As you start to walk on the way, the way appears -Rumi
Colors And Shapes Inspire Me...
Welcome To My Website
I make art because I feel that this expands the boundaries of time and reality. I have chosen to see my whole life as art, from the most mundane and everyday to its highest vibration. The means of expression I use are mainly painting, photography and poetry. Occasionally, I work directly and with an expressionist mood and impression, sometimes with reasoning and concentration, or with genuine joy and sensuality. I follow the flow of my inner emotions that lead me towards to what I want to study and observe at any given moment. I believe that no work is ever completed, it just stops at some interesting point in time and the artist’s appreciation. I am fond of language and images, I am interested in iconography in poetry but also at the reflection, the extension, the limit, the otherworldly and casual in the photography, the colours, the forms, the textures, but also the spirituality of black and white in painting process. I often enjoy what is revealed and sometimes I try to reflect it on the outcome.